Project Description
Support for the “Back Up” reporting application
Support for the “Back Up” reporting application
Starting : 2019, in partnership with We are NOT Weapons of War

The war in Ukraine is yet another reminder of what armed conflicts have in common: as soon as they emerge, reports of sexual violence quickly follow. Since the start of the Russian invasion, numerous cases of conflict-related sexual violence have been reported. Conflicts also give rise to major population movements. In this context of migration, women and children are particularly at risk and vulnerable. They can be subjected to all kinds of violence, and are more easily victimized by criminal networks and human traffickers. Ukrainian and international public authorities are sounding the alarm and are keen to put in place effective solutions for victims and to document these crimes.
Stand Speak Rise Up! has been involved with We are NOT Weapons of War since the Stand Speak Rise Up! international forum in Luxembourg in 2019.
For several years now, WoWW has been developing the BackUp application in conjunction with InTech, a Luxembourg-based company with a glAobal reach. The BackUp application is a tool for reporting and identifying victims, and for collecting, storing and analyzing information on sexual violence (and conflict-related crimes) perpetrated in the context of armed conflict. It also gives a voice to victims and contributes to the collection of information that can be used as legal evidence.
Support from Stand Speak Rise Up! helps to cover the costs of analyzing the data received through the digital tool, remunerating focal points in the field, setting up an emergency assistance fund for victims reporting and requesting help, and coordinating with partners in the field.
The NGO We are NOT Weapons of War is chaired by Céline Bardet, an international lawyer specializing in war rape and also a member of Stand Speak Rise Up! board of directors.
Thanks to Groupe Foyer, ATOZ and the L’Oréal Fund for Women for their support of this project.