Project Description

/Emergency aid to the SEMA network during the Covid-19 health crisis

March-April 2020
In partnership with the Mukwege Foundation

Context :
As Covid-19 continues to spread, members of SEMA – Global Network for Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence in Wartime – are increasingly concerned about its impact on their communities and survivors. Network members face limited public health infrastructure and insufficient hygiene resources, especially in remote or post-conflict areas.
Some measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus are leading to soaring food prices and a real risk of famine. The consequences will be felt most intensely by the world’s most vulnerable populations.

The project :
Supporting the SEMA Network raises awareness of the particularly precarious situation of survivors of sexual violence during the pandemic and raises funds on behalf of survivors. All individual donations during this time will be distributed directly to survivors through survivor networks. Stand Speak Rise Up! contributes to fundraising to directly help survivors in this particularly difficult time for more fragile communities.