Project Description
Support for economic empowerment of Yezidi Survivors
Support for economic empowerment of Yezidi Survivors
March 2021, Sinjar, Irak. In partnership with Nadia’s Initiative

Founded in 2018, the NGO Nadia’s Initiative is dedicated to rebuilding communities in crisis and advocating, internationally, for Survivors of sexual violence. On August 3, 2014, the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) launched a genocidal campaign against the Yezidi ethno-religious minority. From then on, ethnic cleansing in the form of mass executions, forced conversions and widespread sexual violence was observed. Women Survivors of sexual violence were the hardest hit by this conflict. After the loss of their husbands, they not only had to take care of their families, as is their culture, but also earn a living as heads of household.
According to a survey conducted by Nadia’s Initiative in Sinjar in 2018, having opportunities to earn a living is one of the priority needs cited by Survivors returnees to Sinjar. Employment, small business subsidies and also job placement were identified as the top three priorities for securing livelihoods.
Stand Speak Rise Up! contributes to this project aimed at encourage the empowerment of Yezidi Survivors to gain confidence and build a community. To this end, the Survivors are developing small income-generating businesses. These women’s businesses will give the women a place to socialize outside the home. This helps to create strong social bonds and mutual support systems.
Community cultural ideologies will gradually evolve to include women in the small business economy. This benefits not only the women of today, but also future generations of women in the community.

Nadia Murad
Women must no longer be used as weapons of war.
The worst thing is that it won’t stop. As long as justice is not delivered, this is likely to happen again. The danger is always there, if the terrorists go unpunished.